Fountain Court Apartments – Site Redesign

The redesigned Fountain Court Apartments website went live earlier this month. It took the place of the previous FCA site in the WMS. There are some nice JQuery powered galleries and some nice lightbox video display functionality also. Design and video display functionality provided by Creative State.

So why not check out the newly redesigned Fountain Court Apartment site – you can find it here.

WMS Introduces Integration with Social Media – Twitter and Facebook

The WMS – our content management software now offers integration into social networks !! You can now post updates or share your published pages with your audience twitter or facebook. And best of all, it is all free for you as part of our continuous upgrades to the system.

Sharing a WMS page on Twitter or Facebook could not be more simple. You just click on a new “Share” option in the main menu, fill in a message and send it all off. The WMS will look after the communication and posting and will remember your settings. That means you never have to leave the WMS to tweet about a new page that you have just published.

Why is it a big deal
Since 2009 when the internet experienced an apparent boom in Social Networks thanks to Twitter and Facebook (, social networks have played an important part in every day life. Studies suggest that people use social networks more than email and over 60% time on mobile devices is actually spend on social media. In other words, there is a lot of buzz on the internet nowadays 🙂

Here at Ezone we use Twitter to see what our clients and partners are up to and share articles and news that may be relevant to them. If you want to hear from us, follow us on @ezonesoftware !

Learning from our mistakes

Over the last few months Ezone as a company has been going through some very significant changes; some good and some considerably less so. It is surprising just how much we have learned and as we near the end of this process of change we are now looking forward with some excitement again.

I thought it would be fun to do a post about this process of change and talk about some of the lessons learned and how we are planning to apply those lessons.

So let’s start with the bad: in early 2010 we came to the inescapable conclusion that we needed to reduce the size of the team here at Ezone. Because we have such a great team, that was a really tough decision and a hard process to go through. Of course, everyone involved proved how amazing they were by the level of professionalism they treated the process with and by how quickly they spotted benefits for themselves. Personally I was constantly humbled and inspired by everyone.

Of course, without this happening we would not have made the other, really positive, changes to Ezone over the last few months.

So now lets look at the first of these: after a very in depth analysis of the process of implementing sites on the WMS (or redesigning or making other very large changes to a WMS managed site) we came up with a number of areas were we need to improve. Almost invariably these revolved around managing the process and communication with everyone involved.

Who knows what’s going on?
The first area we identified as needing improvement was clear and up to date information on the status of the project and all its constituent parts. This needed to be available to everyone involved in an easy accessible way, and we needed a clear record of who said what when and what the agreed implications were.

We all do!
Internally, we solved this by switching to an excellent, simple and straightforward CRM (Highrise, from 37signals). This has had an amazingly positive effect on internal communication within the team.

To further improve on this we are working on our new “Project Dashboard” within the WMS which will allow our clients to view the status of ongoing projects, a summary of agreed changes and other important items. All this along side a clear time line so that everyone can see how the project is progressing and when each milestone will be completed!

The little things…
One of the next most significant areas that we needed to get much better at was managing all the little changes and additions that are a vital part of getting the best WMS managed sites up and running. Obviously we work hard with the client, designers, SEO specialists and other stake holders at the start of the project to make sure that we understand all the ins and outs of the site; and we have plenty of experience and expertise in the best way to technically implement a solution (on time and on budget). However, it is impossible to get 100% of the details right before you start work; and this should be an advantage rather than a problem of using the WMS.

With a system as powerful and flexible as the WMS we can can really add value to the final published site by implementing improvements and fixing issues as we go. The problem was that, especially in the final stages of a site build, we were finding that too many little things would affect the time-scales and costs of going live and create confusing communications with all the stake holders.

Of course, the answer was simple really; improve communication in the early stages of the project and give more opportunities for everyone to feedback earlier, when making changes has less impact. Combine that with some technical tweaks to the way WMS templates are implemented and a clear path to allow design or template changes after the initial launch and everything starts to flow much, much smoother!

Is that all?
These on their own would be a huge enough impact, but really they are just part of the changes that we have been putting in place. Some of the others include a new invoicing system (Freshbooks) that incorporates our time tracking and reporting, changes to our support & ticketing systems and integrating many of the different systems we use via their APIs.

Yeah, I know, you are totally blown away… Seriously though, this has been a pretty dramatic time for Ezone and we hope that all our customers and partners will see benefits as much as we do internally.

The truly exciting thing for us now is how much more we want to do and the potential to learn more and further improve both the WMS & our service.

Integrating Invoicing Into the WMS

You may have noticed that as part of our continuous effort to improve our process and service to our customers, we have recently changed the entire invoicing system. We can already see all the benefits and time-savings only three months after using the system.

We believe it is only right that our customers should also benefit from the new invoicing system. Therefore we decided to integrate the invoicing with the WMS!

Every account has now a “AccountFinance” role. Every user who is assigned to that particular role will have access to view all invoices in that account. The invoices appear as an additional box on the dashboard.

If you click on “View Invoices”, you will be able to see recent paid invoices and invoices that may be still due.

Everything that you wanted to know about WMS and more

While doing some maintenance work on the WMS database recently, I could not resist to check out few interesting details about the usage of the application. Since I’m the sort of person who sits around the table and loves to dish out random fun facts, I decided to share few of them with you.

Joking aside, the data we retrieve from the WMS is important – we use it to spot usage patterns and find out how the system is used. Ultimately, the goal is to improve the end user experience.

So here it goes:
Wednesday is the busiest day, closely followed by Monday.
Busiest time is between 11-12am GMT. However, almost 25% of the system activity happens outside the UK office hours.

There were 15 free upgrades in the last 4 months, yes that is almost one every week !

Hope you enjoyed them, we might be back with some more.

Do you know when your domain expires?

Forgetting to renew a domain name is one of the most common reason web sites have outages. Perhaps you have experienced this first hand, or have heard about other sites having this problem (for example in March

However avoiding those problems is so simple; if you have the right information to hand!

Although the WMS does not manage and is in no way responsible for your domain name registration; we do exist to make your web management as easy as possible. So have now introduced an exciting new feature, for Professional level accounts, that will monitor your main domain in order to help you ensure that no problems occur.

See “View Domain Info” in your “Site Properties” for more details.

In addition, if your domain is nearing expiry you will see a friendly reminder in the WMS 🙂

We hope you find this little addition to the WMS useful.

Introducing a Brand New Way to Upload Files

The WMS release on Thursday incudes several significant changes to the system. The most obvious to the user is a brand new file upload system in the libraries. The main focus was to provide simple and reliable way to upload files regardless the size.

You will find a new button “Click here to upload new files” underneath the file list. This will open up a new popup, where you will be able to select the files to upload.

The progress bar
You will notice a progress bar that will keep you updated on the progress of your upload, current speed and estimated time remining. This is particularly useful when dealing with larger or multiple files.

Say goodbye to the time-outs
The new file upload is designed to eliminate the time-outs. That means even if you don’t have a fast internet connection, it will not cut you off.

Increasing the limits
Thanks to the upgrade, you will now be able to upload much larger files and so we have increased the limits for your files. The limit is based on your WMS subscription type and is currently set to:

WMS standard: 10MB per file
WMS professional: 15MB per file
WMS with library suite: 35 MB per file

Find out more about the Library Suite

Web page load speed matters

Google announces that site speed affects your search engine ranking – the faster your site the better you rank. It is clear that this is just one of the many factors that affect your search engine position. Their view is that a site’s load time has a direct impact on a user’s browsing experience and is therefore now included as a factor in search result position.

What you can do?
1. Webmaster tools by Google – great link as Google themselves will give a report on how you are doing. Click on Labs > Site Performance
2. YSlow – great tool from Yahoo that gives you information on how you can improve your sites performance
3. Page speed – useful Firefox plugin that give you tips on improving your sites performance
4. Webpagetest – site giving site performance info and optimization checklist

In addition to this the team at Ezone are ready to help you with advise on the changes that may help you improve your site.

Flemings Mayfair

The new Flemings Mayfair website went live earlier this month and like its predecessor it is also a WMS powered website. This website is distinctive due to its horizontal scrolling functionality. So there were a lot of people involved in the creation of this website, Teviot for the design, Piledrivers for the project management, Occupancy Marketing for the SEO as well of course as Flemings themselves and last but not least ourselves at Ezone Software.

So why not check out this site – it is pretty stylish and has a lot of nice imagery and functionality in it. You can find it here.

Free Trial of Our Brand New Library Suite

We are pleased to announce that we are offering our WMS clients the opportunity to test out the new WMS4 Library Management Suite as part of a free 30 day trial.

The new suite boasts a range of time and money saving functionality tools including:
  • Automatic Image resizing functionality – an additional component to compliment the existing Image Manager
  • A new Image Editor tool – for editing images directly from your WMS library
  • Advanced WMS library functionality – multiple uploading, downloading options, copy pasting, image previews in the list, library publishing and the power to auto-extract zip files.
The process couldn’t be any simpler – register your interest in using the WMS Library Management Suite with Alison, have the suite enabled on your chosen website then after 30 days let us know if you would like to keep the service running.

As part of our initial launch we are offering the suite at just £39 extra per month in addition to your current WMS subscription package.

View all blog posts related to the WMS Library Suite

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