Some fun WMS Stats

We regularly monitor the WMS usage, so here are some headline stats from 2010 so far:

  • The busiest day of the week is Tuesday, closely followed by Wednesday
  • By far the busiest times are between 10am and 5pm (UK time)
  • The busiest month so far this year for WMS editing was March
  • On average new content is created every 28 minutes
  • On average content is edited once every 6 minutes
  • On average content is published once every 9 minutes
  • The WMS manages: 362 editors, 140 sites, 2789 templates, 17342 pages and 10647 components
  • On average a WMS content managed has site 126 pages (the largest has 1479)

Of course, the WMS gets busier and larger all the time! We use these figures (with more detailed analysis) to help us provide support and plan improvements to your web content management.

Posted in WMS

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